Thursday 21 January 2016

My supplement stack

Due to the fact I am on a mission to get lean and a little more muscle on me (aren't we all) I am pulling out every stop in terms of diet, training and supplements. Supplements are not an essential part of a plan, but can give you that edge if you're looking to progress. Whilst supplements can play a part in this, I think it is VITAL not to neglect the two most important parts which is your diet and amounts of supplements will counteract a bad diet, just like no amount of exercise will.

Here's the low down on what I'm using currently to achieve my goals and why

1) Whey protein

Whist protein from lean meats and other natural sources is definitely more vital, it is often hard to get the amount you want in using these sources alone. So for convenience (and the fact I like it) I use whey protein as a shake with water, in protein pancakes or added to yogurt for a protein filled dessert. The use of these readily absorbed and utilised proteins present in whey can really give you an advantage if you're looking to create that lean and toned look.

The whey I use varies - I usually use whey isolate, which means it has lower carbs, lower fats and is pretty much protein in its purest form. Whey protein concentrate is slightly less expensive however, and contains VERY little amounts of the macronutrients and so is definitely a great option.

The whey I am currently using is from motion nutrition. (RAW CACAO WHEY) it is absolutely incredible in terms of ingredients, taste and mix-ability and I suggest you check it out. Whilst it is slightly higher in carbohydrates than your usual whey protein it is free from anything artificial. This company have even gone the extra in mile in ensuring the whey is from..wait for it..grass-fed cows (now that's dedication) whey from grass-fed cows is an excellent source of quality protein, it is high in the amino acid LEUCINE. Leucine is one of the essential amino acids found in BCAAS. The high content of BCAAS in such a high quality protein could mean that supplementing it is unnecessary. Saving you time and dollar.

Check out my new fave whey at:

This new company really does offer exciting products which aren't being exploited elsewhere, I'd highly recommend checking them out.

Another whey that I currently have on the go is the trusty myprotein whey isolate, great in terms of price, convenience and macros.


These are a great supplement if you're looking to lean up without losing muscle mass. They have been shown in various studies to induce anabolic cell signals (protein synthesis) even when dieting. A major source of plateau when you're looking to lean up is decreased metabolic rate which non surprisingly correlates with decreased muscle mass. BCAAS are excellent tools in preventing this reduction in metabolic rate, maintaining mass and building it EVEN in a calorie deficit. A dieters best friend. If you're looking to gain lean mass, the best time to take these is post workout, as their ingestion before a workout could potentially hinder the fat burning process (if you're being EXTRA careful)

There is an ongoing debate as to whether BCAAS are needed in the diet. The reason is, BCAAS are present in whey proteins, as well as the foods we consume regularly. I think before you purchase them you should take into account the following. 

What are your main goals? 

If you have a lot of extra body fat, and fat loss is your main goal you may not need this supplement. Why? Because BCAAS do have the potential to be used as fuel, thus hindering the fat burning process. If however, you do not have excess amounts of body fat and you're looking to preserve muscle mass and lean out at the same then this supplement could be beneficial to you. 

When would you be consuming them? 

Believe it or not, this may make a difference. As stated earlier, BCAAS can be used as a fuel and hinder the fat burning process. If you consume these before a workout you could inhibit fat burning. Now, this is all goal dependent and would only really come into practise if you're needing to lean out for a specific reason (e.g. a show) BCAAS do produce an acute insulin repsponse within the body, but it much less so than say the ingestion of carbohydrates. So they definitely do have their use and place in a good diet plan. 

3) Udos choice oil

Getting the correct balance of fatty acids in the diet is essential in maintaining health. When we stick to a diet we are often neglectful of where our fat sources are coming from, which means we're using missing out some vital fats in our diet. For bodily processes to work OPTIMALLY it is vital we get the correct ratio of fatty acids. We usually are consuming far too many saturated fats in comparison to polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats like those of omega 3/6. We are also usually consuming far too much omega 6 compared to omega 3. For me, this comes as quite a problem as I unfortunately do not like oily fish (or any fish for that matter, it haunts me everyday) but there is a way of getting the balance right. This supplement is a life saver, many swear by it. It has the potential with a good diet to increase your metabolism, your health and your strength.

4) Udos Choice beyond greens 

This stuff is basically a miracle powder. When you train hard, you'll find that it's very difficult to consume all the nutrients you need throughout the day in order to maintain your health whilst keeping an eye on your calories. This powder is is full of goodness, it ensures your body is functioning properly whilst you're training hard and putting all kinds of stresses on it. By functioning properly..this could mean ensuring you have an efficient metabolism, efficient nutrients to help the muscle building process as well as supporting your immune system. I have found that previously, when I've been training hard and sticking to a strict diet I can really get stuck in a rut food wise, I'm not feeling full of energy and day in day out I'm tired. For me, this stuff gave me that vitality back.

The bodybuilding industry is quite neglectful in terms of micronutrients, many rely on repetitive meals leading to diets deficient in many vital nutrients. Get this in check and you'll look and feel 100% better, I promise.

5) Pre - workout 

Now, this is not an essential supplement. However, it can really give you that boost before your workout if you're feeling drowsy and unmotivated. Wether it's an early morning or you're hitting the gym after work, sometimes we need a little boost right? This stuff is not about aesthetics in that it'll change the way you look dramatically, it's more so its potential in making you train harder, making you more motivated and getting the best out of your workouts.

My recommendations: Current pre is again from motionnutriton (can you tell I'm impressed by this company?) the reason being, it does the job but it doesn't feel artificial, it doesn't keep me up at night and the ingredients have so many benefits.

I have also used C4 in the past, I do like the flavours and think it's a very efficient product (especially if you like workout tingles) I don't tend to stick to a pre-workout, because like with build up a tolerance, but found this stuff to really motivate me before hitting the gym. Getting in the zone is an art I tell ya.

6) Casein

This, is another form of protein formed from cow's milk. Now, it is a protein but it is somewhat different to whey protein. It is slow release, which can be a good or bad thing (depending on when you use it) unlike whey, it takes a lot longer to digest. This means it has possible application as something you'd eat before bed to prevent catabolic events (muscle breakdown) where, casein wouldn't really be the most optimal thing to consume pre/post workout it defiteinly has its place in preventing dreaded catabolism. I use chocolate casein mixed with yogurt before bed, it leaves me feeling fuller for longer in compassion to whey so no incredibly annoying hunger in bed.

7) No miracle fat burner? 

Yup. No miracle fat burner. Just a good diet, rich in everything your body needs for an efficient metabolism, a little cardio here and there and a lot of lifting!

Lets put it this way

MACROS: the building blocks of your new physique

MICROS: the little but important things that you need in order to maintain health, build muscle and burn fat optimally

TRAINING: the stimulus you provide to the muscles in order to grow, the thing that preserves muscle (use it or lose it)

CARDIO: a fat loss tool, used to increase metabolic rate and accelerate fat burning, not to be overused in compensation for a poor diet.

SUPPLEMENTS: aids to your goal, the little things that will you give you that edge in attaining your ideal physique. They can function as macros, micros, stimulants but cannot replace all of the above.

Sure, things like tea and L-cartnitine may improve fat burning, but it does not compensate for a poor diet and training regime. Get that in order first before you invest your money in something that won't help you.

I hope this post was useful to you guys, let me know what you think!

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