Sunday 3 January 2016

2016 - New year, new you.

So it's the start of the 2016, and you're more motivated than ever to get that physique you've always wanted. But the question is, how do you go about making changes to your lifestyle in order to attain those goals? 

Here are my top tips for the new year! 

1) Be realistic

This is very important, you need to evaluate where you are now before setting yourself non realistic goals. Don't give yourself an unrealistic time frame in which to 'tone up' or gain muscle. This is a lifestyle, and should not be a quick fix (which are often dangerous and detrimental to your health) The key to progress is consistency, you don't need to go crazy..cut out every carb or do cardio everyday to burn body fat. You just need a plan, and you need to stick to it. This plan should fit your lifestyle. Yes, push yourself but it should not be too far beyond your capabilities that its stress inducing and makes you feel unwell. This plan should allow you adequate nutrition so that you don't feel the need to binge on the weekends or feel as though you are depriving yourself. If you want this healthier, fitter body to last think long term, think building up your metabolism, improving your strength and improving your health. 

2) Happiness starts from within - learn to appreciate yourself 

To many, the thought of reaching a goal weight or fitting into a smaller dress size equates to happiness. But this is definitely not the case, no matter what size you are still you. You need to learn to accept yourself, flaws and all before you are truly happy. For instance, you reach your goal weight but you can still see a little fat here and there (perfectly normal) now you say to yourself..I'll be content when I am able to get rid of this fat. So you undergo more and more grooling exercise in order to obtain this goal, you only see your flaws and fail to appreciate just how beautiful you are. This is the case for so many, the answer is acceptance. Do not base your happiness on something so temporary as a body shape, learn to love yourself like you love others; unconditionally.

3) Too much too soon

When constructing your plan is vital you incorporate this progressive overoload theory. Make a plan, and progress from there. This way, you can monitor your progress and when you hit a plateau you can then modify your plan. Your body adapts to the stimulus you provide it. So, if you started off with 45 minutes of cardio everyday along with your weight would not only be exhausting yourself..but where exactly do you go from there when you stop burning fat? You only need to change a plan that isn't working, so make one, stick to it and see where you need to tweak before you kill yourself in the first week. 

4) Quit comparing yourself to others

Social media, magazines..selfies. They're not real, they are edited...they are a highlight reel, they are sometimes tweaked beyond recognization. We ALL post our best selfies, its natural that we want people to see us at our best. However, I think its important to realise that they are not true reflections of us on a day to day basis. Social media can be toxic if you don't learn to differentiate the fake of world of advertisements, editing and selfies from what is real. Focus on you, and be the best version of yourself you can be, no one else matters. No amount of exercise or healthy eating will change your genetic make-up. 
No good will come from comparing yourself to others; you will never be are something for better, an individual with your own strengths. 'Another woman's beauty is not a lack of your own.' 

5) One approach does not suit all 

So Mandy's doing an hour of cardio everyday..along with a weight training session. She also happens to be built as hell. So you're thinking, I better get on this bandwagon with my old friend Mandz and get those gains. 2 weeks in, you're losing weight (muscle) you're feeling crap (surprise surprise) and you're confused as to why you're not looking awesome. The reality is, you are not Mandy. You metabolise food differently, your body responds to exercise differently and you're a completely different shape. Everyone is different, one plan does not suit all. You need to find out what works for you. 

6) Be kind to yourself 

Remember to allow yourself time to relax this year. Don't get stuck in this notion that if you skip the gym or fall off plan you are a failure. If you have a night out with friends there's no need to do further damage and punish yourself for it. Learn to forgive yourself, get out of this binge deprivation cycle and think health and nourishment. 

Make time to do things you enjoy other than the gym, set a non fitness goal this year! Meet with old friends, make memories and don't let the stress of obtaining your goal body ruin yours and others experiences. If you feel stress building up, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. 

7)  Get organised

Plan plan plan. Make a detailed training and meal plan, monitor your weight and intake as well as your performance in the gym and adjust the plan as you progress. It's as simple as that, there's no need to hire an overly expensive trainer, educate yourself and learn to understand your body as you should know it more than anyone else. 

I recommend creating a spreadsheet plan of all your routines, your training planner as well as your diet regime. Whilst keeping a record of progress etc. You could also download myfitnesspal to keep an eye on your intake. 

By getting organised, I don't just mean sticking to a plan. Prepare meals in advance and store them in tupperware, that way you're less prone to veer off course and grab something else. With your training,  find time for it, set an alarm..move things around. Once you get into this routine, that's really half the battle. 

8) Do something different

If you've been doing the same old thing every year in order to reach your goals and you find you're not getting to where you want to be. Try something else; see what works for you. There's the old saying that you won't get something you've never had by doing things you've always done (or something to that effect) and its true, push beyond what you think your limits are. Work up your strength, get that personal best, run a little faster. You are only limited by what YOU think you're capable of. Grab 2016 and run with it, make this YOUR year, and don't do it for anyone else but yourself.

So those were my top tips for the New Year, lets make 2016 the best year yet! 

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