Monday 27 January 2014

Why we need fat :)

I recently read an article as to why we gain fat in certain areas, I found it really interesting..and it actually explained a lot of things to me, as to why I don't gain fat on my glutes, it seems to go mainly to my tummy. AND NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY. We can't direct fat to certain areas, If we could it would actually be amazing but the reality is, fat will go wherever it wants. It's all down to genetics. Some women gain fat on their glutes, they have a tiny waist too, some even have a huge ass and amazing abs. This isn't possible for all of us unfortunately, because we simply don't gain fat in that area. I was not blessed with these genes, but I am however determined to work with what I've got. 

One of the differences with men and women is that we generally have a higher body fat percentage. A normal woman will have a fat percentage between 18-20%, a man will have around 10-15%. The main reason for this is that women usually at some point in their lives will have children, therefore we keep fat reserves to prepare us for this (oh goody) but hey, fat doesn't look so bad! Since gaining a bit of fat I feel a lot more comfortable. It provides us with more rounded features in comparison to men, it's natural and having some body fat is essential. As you probably know, it's also essential if you want a functional menstrual cycle to have a bit of fat, if your body fat is below a certain value (it seems to vary with different people) don't expect to have your periods. This is dangerous, as it can permanently damage your health. So if you're experiencing this, please get it checked out! It could also be due to the endorphins released during exercise which are thought to interfere with estrogen levels. Just be aware of it, don't ignore it. If your periods are missing, your body cannot produce them, it's lacking in something, take care of yourself. 

Where your body stores fat is also down to the climate you live in, I think this is really interesting..
For instance, in hot countries fat seems to be localised on the buttocks (eg - African) on the hips (Mediterranean) and on the navel (certain Asians) Fat distribution is supposed to aid thermoregulation. In hot countries, fat is stored in order to minimise over heating. Where as in cold countries, fat is seems to be more evenly distributed throughout the body. Therefore, it's really a survival thing. So we can't change our genes..we were programmed to gain fat in certain areas. 

Realistically, if you naturally have small glutes..squatting won't make them huge.


It will improve them drastically! you can go from pancake to cupcake..but maybe not GIANT CAKE.
Keeeeeep squatting though, the glutes are indeed a muscle which means they can grow! 
I will say though, all cake is good..whether it be pancake, cupcake or GIANT CAKE. Cake is cake at the end of the day. Respect and embrace your cake no matter the size, your body is beautiful either way. (wow, I'm weird) 

Just bare in mind, you don't need to harm your body in order to achieve a certain physique. You won't ever look exactly the same as someone else, but why would you want to? Be the best version of yourself. But, please please please have fun along the way! I'm going partying this weekend, because I want to..will it help towards my gains? no. Will it benefit my physique? no. Will I have fun with my friends and possibly drink a bit too much? YES. 

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