Friday 24 January 2014

Muscle building tips

1) Build your weights. When you construct your program, aim to continually build strength. After a few months or so you should notice an increase in strength, you SHOULD be able to lift more. If you can't, THEN try incorporating supersets/dropsets to increase the body's potential. When you really think about it, the aim of bodybuilding is to BUILD the body, increasing strength should be a huge factor in it, keep on pushing. If you haven't progressed weight wise, think about it, are you over training? Try lifting heavier for less reps. BUILD BUILD BUILD.

2) Rest
If you don't allow muscles to recover between workouts, instead of getting stronger you're pretty much just breaking down your muscles further. Rest is essential no matter how much it sucks. Also, if you're prone to do cardio on a rest day, 30 mins plus of running won't benefit you..light activities if you must do them at all. On a rest day, you wanna be putting the least amount of stress on your body as possible, allow yourself time to heal. As for calories on rest day, I don't really lower mine..though I find I might be less hungry and they naturally decrease by a little (max 100) but I do aim to stick to my macros, eat to grow!

3) Fuel before and after your workout.
You need sufficient Amigo Acids as well as carbs (for energy to synthesise new muscle) don't skip the carbs and rely purely on protein, they're both needed. It is advised to eat within 20 minutes of your workout if possible for maximum results! so prepare, pack something if you can't get home in time. I usually have peanut butter, banana, rice cakes, whey protein and yogurt. 

4) Don't stress
Stress reduces muscle growth, if you need to take a day or two off then do it. If you've got a lot on, work, whatever, don't stress. Your health is what matters most! All this 'no excuses' and 'no days off' stuff has it's place ..I work hard, I train hard and my diet is usually on point BUT please please live a little. If I wanna eat absolute rubbish with my friends or get drunk at a party I will. I think it's important mentally to allow yourself to do the things you like. Your life shouldn't revolve around training, mine doesn't I just really love it.

5) Mix up your training
You should be changing your routine every 2 weeks I think to really maximize results, change your routine as you progress. It makes things more exciting and increases results. Don't stick to a boring old routine, and expect your body to change, your body will adapt to the stress you apply to it, if you're continually working within your comfort zone you won't see the results you want. Try something new, research new exercises.

6) Listen to your body
If you're hurting, tired..sick whatever. REST. It's your body's way of saying please I neeeeeeed time to recover. You may think that training even when you're feeling bad is beneficial..well it's not you're increasing your risk of injury! Give yourself a well deserved break for once. 

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