Tuesday 13 January 2015

The supplements I use

My supplements

Just thought I’d let you guys know about the supplements I’m currently using, why  I think their effective etc.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I do not use vitamin tablets. Simply because my diet is very nutrient rich, I have a very balanced diet and also incorporate a lot of fruit and vegetables. I like getting my vitamins in that way, I'm not against taking vitamin tablets I just think for me they would be a waste of money. For instance, our vitamin A requirements for a day can be met by simply eating half a carrot! and we're going out to buy vitamin A supplements?! 

Whey protein

I’m sure most of you have used/heard of whey. It’s a great whey to get those essential Amino acids in. The body is unable to generate the amino acids necessary for growth by itself, therefore it is essential that we provide the body with proteins to get those muscle gains. It can be taken with milk, with water, in a cake, in your oats. It’s so versatile and tastes great. Whey protein is actually derived from the process of making cheese, it has a very fast absorption rate into the body, it also has a higher biological value than various other proteins. Consumption of whey protein has also been linked to reduced body fat, and of course increases in strength as well as feeling fuller for longer.

When should you take whey?

There are many occasions where whey is absolutely perfect. You can have whey anytime throughout the day. I have my whey in the morning in oats or in a shake, as it replenishes my body with some protein after sleeping throughout the night. Taking whey protein before working out may minimise muscle loss by promoting anabolism (the synthesis of complex molecules i.e muscle) research investigating the effects of pre/post workout shakes indicates that protein synthesis is increased using whey pre/post workout. However, ingesting whey pre workout (30-40 mins) in advance was shown to be more beneficial in terms of muscle gain. What can be taken from this study is that whey protein is great both pre and post workout and will be beneficial in muscle growth. Personally, I consume protein throughout the day, but I ensure I get a source of protein pre/post workout. Optimally, 30-40 mins pre workout and as quickly as possible post workout.

Which brand do I use?

This is entirely preference, when buying whey take a look at the nutritional information, the macros and the reviews. When looking for whey there are two types – whey concentrate and whey isolate. Whey concentrate is a lot cheaper, is has a small amount of fats and carbs as well as protein, it’s more popular as it’s generally more affordable and in my case uni friendly! Whey isolate is virtually fat free, and therefore a little thinner than whey concentrate. Both whey’s are great! And don’t feel as though you need to buy whey isolate to stay lean, whey concentrate has very little fat in it and is generally a lot cheaper. I’m currently using Myprotein whey (smooth chocolate) it’s absolutely delicious! GREAT value for money and I definitely recommend it.


I only recently introduced BCAAS into my diet, I take mine in a powder form, simply mixed with water. When we exercise, branched chain amino acids are broken down and therefore reduced. A low level of branched chain amino acids in the bloodsteam may lead to lack of performance, decreased strength and general fatigue in the gym as well as the dreaded muscle loss. I originally didn’t think this supplement was essential in that I’m already consuming a high amount of protein daily! However, BCAAS are the only amino acids metabolized in protein synthesis and high amounts in your bloodstream could only increase the rate of protein synthesis as well as inhibiting muscle breakdown. BCAAS decrease protein breakdown by pretty much getting in the way of the bodies protein breakdown pathway as well as preventing the expression of genes involved in this process. Even though whey does contain BCAAS, the BCAAS in whey are bound to make proteins. Using branched chain amino acids the amino acids are more readily absorbed and this elevates amino acid plasma levels greatly. Using BCAAS can also improve your workout by inhibiting serotonin production in the brain (serotonin increases feeling of fatigue during exercise) meaning we may even get a better workout with it! Not only this, they improve recovery, so we are able to work harder the next day. Plus, like whey, it’s use has been linked to fat loss! (Due to increase in lean muscle)

When to take BCAAS?

Likewise with whey, the best time to take BCAAS is pre/post workout to stimulate muscle synthesis and inhibit muscle breakdown. I usually take some in the morning too!

Which brand to use?

The brand I’m currently using is from the protein works, (IBCAA) berry blitz flavour.I’ve noticed a huge difference in my energy levels and muscle recovery since taking the supplement and I’d recommend it to anyone serious about lifting. It’s reasonably priced and has great reviews. In my opinion, BCAA supplementation is not exactly necessary. However, I think it really does give you that edge when you’re training as well with muscle repair. 

I hope this was helpful,
Happy Tuesday! 

1 comment:

  1. Is it true? Are these supplements really work? I am very new in this bodybuilding field and want to boost my energy level with some authentic products that don’t have side effects later on. Please give more information about your product and also send some sites from where I can buy supplements.
