Friday 17 January 2014

Rest between sets

This topic is often discussed, whether you should take longer rest periods between sets or short rest periods.

For me, I tend to mix it up..I love intense training sessions that really get my heart going. So I incorporate super sets into my workout, usually 1 per workout. I have very little rest between sets, perhaps 30-40 seconds. Which to me, feels great and gives me a rush of endorphin's. However, the rest of my routine contains adequate rest amounts just so my form and technique doesn't become affected by too little rest, it also makes me feel stronger and I don't leave the gym feeling completely weak.

Surely though, a lot of it should be based on how you feel. Do you feel as though after your rest you're ready to do another set? It's really that simple. Some people actually require more rest between sets than others, It's more to do with how your body copes.
It also makes sense that it's dependent on how heavy you're going, if you lift heavy, it puts more train on your nervous system and you need more time to recover. When you lift heavy, you are engaging your fast twitch muscle fibres, these have GREATEST potential for growth, and this is stimulated when using 25%+ of your MAX weight. (low weights won't make you grow guys) 
If you are lifting lighter weights, then you won't require as much rest, this kick-starts your metabolism! Perhaps you could incorporate a lighter weight into your training sessions to burn fat, but if you want to GROW stick mainly to heavier weights and longer rest periods.

Short rest intervals 

A lot of people advise a 30 seconds rest interval, for a release of endorphins and a feeling of intensity this is great. However, the more you think about it, the more realistically for growth it seems less advantageous. The less time you have to rest, the less time you have to repair muscles leading to a decrease in correct form and a general feeling of fatigue. 

Long rest intervals

A long rest interval can be even as long as 5 minutes, for me..I just can't do it, never have I waited that long, I just get too impatient. If I'm doing heavier weights, I have a 1-2 mins rest period between sets. This ensures that my muscles repair in between sets, it means that I can stick to correct form and lift heavy. For growth, this is the best type of training. 

Hope this helped! 

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