Friday 10 January 2014

Tonight's Quad/calf workout!

- 4X12 Barbell squats (35kg)
- 4X12 Zercher squats (20kg)
- 4X10/Leg barbell lunges (20kg) 
- 5X12 Leg press (100kg)  superset with 12 goblet squats (15kg)
- 5X10 calf raises on leg press machine (40kg)
- 5X12 leg extensions (72kg)
- 5X10 squats on smiths machine (leaning against bar, 40kg)
-5X10 calf raises on smith's machine (30kg) 
-1 Minute X 3 wall sit (15kg) 

I added the weights I used because I get asked a lot! 

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