Sunday 8 February 2015


I often get asked about healthy snacks, what I eat etc. The answer, I don't eat snacks very often. I eat nutrient dense meals 6x a day and don't get hungry between them. However, eating 6 meals a day is not for everyone, so lets talk snacks. 

A snack is used to try satisfy hunger between meals. Now, if your meals are nutrient dense and nourishing your body you wouldn't really NEED these snacks (unless of course there's a large gap between meals, like when you eat 3 a day) When your body tells you you're hungry, there's a reason behind it. Your body wants food, it requires energy to live. A lot of people when they think of snacking they think something that will simply satisfy their hunger, which yes is the goal but there's also another goal. To provide the body with what it actually NEEDS rather than what you actually crave or whatever you find easier. In the past I'd be very hungry in between meals and eat an apple, there's nothing wrong with snacking on fruit, but when I think about it now..that's not what my body wanted, that's what I wanted. It didn't really satisfy my hunger, nor my body's needs. Please don't go avoiding fruit, if you like fruit please eat fruit. I'm just saying, that when you're hungry, you should be thinking in terms of 'what can I feed my body to benefit it' before thinking about what you crave or the lowest calorie food you can find to satisfy your needs. Have that after..if you're still hungry. 

A major problem with 'snacks' is that there are so many that advertised as healthy and they're really really not. I'm saying this in terms of overweight individuals and the obesity crisis our country currently faces, not in terms of those who are gym goers and generally healthy. I mean, a cereal bar is fine to eat if you enjoy it, moderation is key. Now, a few people will see this post as a way of me saying to call resriction on certain foods, I certainly don't mean that. What I mean is that health is nourishing your body, and just because you're now eating a wider range of foods as in IIFYM it doesn't mean your health won't be neglected. Your intake should be based around how beneficial food is first, of course enjoying your food is important, don't miss out on the foods you love but bare in mind that certain foods just don't offer the same benefits. Maybe your body doesn't actually want what you're giving it, maybe it's crying out for some fats or some protein? 

My snacks now are basically smaller meals, when you lift weights your body is constantly using energy repairing those muscles. Feed it. My snacks are high in protein, or high in fat and usually contain a good carb source.


- Fage yogurt (I LOVE total 0%) Whey, oats and peanut butter. Now this snack is literally my fave thing and if you've seen my IG you'll know too well that it's my last meal of the day. It's just one big beneficial bowl of amazingness and I suggest you try it.

- Cottage cheese & whey, another classic combination. High protein and delicious. Add some fruit and nuts to the mix and you've got yourself a winner.

- A protein mug cake, these are just so simple and they're cake and they're great. Usually top mine with some total 0% and fruit.

- Some nuts and a protein bar. I don't really mean any old protein bar, some are better than others.I like the bodyvolt protein bars as their low in sugar and high in protein and that's just a winning combination. You could also make your own protein bars!

- Rice cakes and peanut butter with banana (oldy but a goody) perhaps with some dark chocolate!

- A nutrient dense shake, with whey, oats, almond milk and frozen banana, perhaps add some berries to the mix too. 

- Protein pancakes, usually top with total 0% and some fruit. 

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