Monday 3 February 2014

Blondies are better than brownies

Gooey chocolate chip blondies!

Oh lord. Just so good. and vegaaaan! (possibly, if your chocolate chips are..) 
and no added sugar (apart from the dark chocolate chips)

- 20g oats
- 1 mashed banana
- 3/4 scoop strawberry whey (can omit) 
- Handful(s) of chocolate chips (I went over board)
- 1 tsp runny honey
-  stevia to taste, I have a sweet tooth so ..4 tsp in my case. 
- 1 can of chickpeas drained and washed
- 1/8 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2-3 tsp almond milk
- I also added sprinkles (can omit) 
- 2tsp vanilla extract 
- 1/4 cup peanut butter

Blend ingredients, add chocolate chips and bake in hot oven for 30-35 mins in a tin lined with foil, I baked mine just slightly they're soft and gooey. 

Approx macros if cut into 10 squares: cals- 123, Protein: 6, fat: 6, carbs: 10 

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